Labyrinthine beds of grasses

Labyrinthine beds of grasses

One does not get lost in the labyrinth,

in the labyrinth one finds oneself,

in the labyrinth one does not meet the Minotaur.

In the labyrinth one encounters oneself.

Hermann Kern

The labyrinthine beds located at the entrance are not a real labyrinth but their arrangement reclaims the 7 lines as 7 were the coils of which the ancient labyrinths were composed. The soaring grasses, in full bloom and moved by the gentle breeze, create impressionistic shades, in which sculptural totems made through the recovery of ancient farmhouse doors are immersed. The soaring grasses are plants we find throughout the garden, and it is they who give the garden its name "Feather Paths."

The three doors, which have three different orientations, represent the different directions, dimensions where to find the right path in life, through the light of reason and the feeling of pure love. Their red color recalls Ariadne's red thread through which Theseus manages to get out of the labyrinth.

Book a guided tour

La visita al Giardino Emozionale dura circa 2 ore. Inizia con un tour guidato di circa 40 minuti, a cui segue un piccolo benvenuto della casa. Dopo di che è possibile godersi il giardino per un’oretta in intimità. Il costo del biglietto a persona è di €10, minimo €40. La prenotazione è obbligatoria.

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